By default flash CS4 has a few panels to work with, but you may need much more panels to work with, you can customize your panels by just clicking on the window menu in the horizontal main menu bar as seen in the picture below.
A list of panels are displayed under the window menu, you can simply click on each one of them to have it on your screen, sometimes it may just appear on the middle of the stage, you can simply click on the header and drag it to the right and place it in any order of your choice.
At the bottom the 3rd one from the last you will find a workspace layout panel, you will find something like a save current, by clicking on it you can actually save the panel setting for that particular layout by simply naming it to layout1, etc, the next time you open the flash, you may actually have one or two panels on the right which is set as default, so instead of setting it all up again, you can go to windows menu, and click on the layout1, etc to get back all the panels you chose to work on.